Introducing Herve Levy, Paris Property Hunter…..

Introducing Herve Levy, Paris Property Hunter…..

Continuing with our team interviews, we are pleased to introduce you to Herve Levy, or as we know him, Mr. Paris Property…..

Introducing Herve Levy.

Having been born and raised in Paris, Herve is well equipped to find you the perfect Parisian property to suit all your needs. Paris has much to offer, whether you are looking for a great work/life balance, investing opportunities or good transport links, Paris could be the place for you.

Let Herve explain why he thinks you should choose Paris in our interview below.

Good morning Herve, to kick start this interview, what is your favourite French tipple? (drink)

Either a nice cold beer or a nice St Julien red wine at dinner.

How do you spend time relaxing after a busy day out and about with clients?

Cooking for the family and friends, playing tennis with my friends and in competition and spending time with my 3 children.

What has been the most expensive property you have ever sold?

€7.7m apartment that was entirely furnished.

What has been the cheapest?


What part of the house buying process do you think overseas buyers find the most frustrating?

Waiting to sign the promesse de vente, which binds the owner. This unfortunately can take quite some time.

In the UK it can take up to 6 months to buy a house and finally move in, what is the average time it can take in France to buy a property?

3-4 months

Why have you chosen to live in this region of France? 

Paris and its immediate surroundings are where I grew up and now have chosen to work, as there are great opportunities here for me and my family for working, for entertainment and for travelling in and outside of France.

Do you see yourself ever moving from this area in France, if yes where/why?

Not really. Paris area is the right place to be all year and when I want to travel abroad or into the French countryside it is very easy to do this.

Tell us your favourite French dish?

Seafood (especially oysters), couscous, blanquette de veau and lasagne (homemade of course 😊). All sounds delicious. Lasagne is one of my favourites! 

The British have a very romantic view of living a life in France, mainly around the amazing food, wine, beautiful countryside slower pace of life with very little traffic….do you share this view? Or is there anything else British buyers should be excited about?

Most important is to work efficiently to optimise and enjoy life as much as possible everyday, so you can spend time with your family and friends, and keep practising enough extra activities to stay fit and young. France is such a great country with so much to see and visit and always at a reasonable distance.

Do you find most overseas buyers are looking for permanent home or for holiday home? If the latter what are the key things they are seeking in their holiday home?

Many like to purchase an apartment in Paris because of course they appreciate very much our quality of life but most of all they see Paris as a very secure mid and long term investment. Also the opportunity of the current low interest rates and market prices makes it the right decision to now to invest in Paris.

What do you find is the most enjoyable aspect of your job?

Finding what clients value the most; their home. I see this as their family nest and my duty is to find the right property so that it meets with all their expectations. Then I know I did something very valuable to them which makes me so happy.

What is the one bit of advice you would give prospective overseas buyers before they buy their dream property?

Once they find the property they like, make sure you proceed quickly and sign the promesse de vente as soon as possible. I hate having to inform my client that the apartment they love has been sold.

We are all bored of the word Brexit, however do you see buyers just getting on with living their lives and buying property regardless of what is finally negotiated with the UK?

Yes sure. I have British clients who wish to purchase apartments as an investment which they will rent and this income will cover the mortgage.

Share with us any property buying tips which you think overseas buyers will benefit from.

It is in the buyers’ best interest to rely on Home Hunts agents as we are entirely on their side. We do everything for them, search and find the property, assist them in all the buying process, recommend the best people for finance, renovation, decoration issues and once they move in, I keep in contact and help with any problem they may face while they are in France.

Also the fact that we do not charge any extra cost is another big advantage to them.

Why do you think your area is popular place for property buyers?

Paris has to offer the most savvy investment prospects and we recommend properties where owners can experience the best of what Paris has to offer.

Our clients want to live in a prime location, in security, in a property that is a long-term investment. They prefer residential areas and enjoy a Parisian lifestyle with the best markets, boutiques and restaurants.

Have prices moved in the past year? Is yes, please explain

Prices keep increasing. An average of +7% a year. The demand for Paris apartments have never been so high, when in some other cities and especially London, prices go down.

Is there anything you would recommend clients do before purchasing a property?

The client should have a clear idea of his/her budget, so it is worth contacting an efficient and knowledgeable foreign currency exchange broker. Foremost Currency Group is the one we like to recommend, so that once a client has made an offer on a property, they already know that their mortgage would be accepted as they know how much their money is worth in euros.

Some great property buying tips here Herve! Paris is definitely an area that sounds like a worthwhile investment opportunity.

If you are considering buying a property in France, Monaco, Spain or Switzerland, Home Hunts are here to help you to find your dream overseas property. If you would like to speak to one of the team to discuss your needs or just to have a chat about the market, you can call us on +33 970 44 66 43 or send us a mail to If you just want to browse through thousands of beautiful French homes, visit our website at or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.