Meet Foreign Currency Partners

Meet Foreign Currency Partners

Meet Our Partners: Foreign Currency Partners

As a luxury buyer’s agent, securing your dream home, stress-free and on budget – and making the experience enjoyable – is our unwavering mission. To ensure we accomplish this goal with every single customer, we share our most trusted partners with you.

We’re proud of the professional network we have built and nurtured over nearly two decades of growth in the property market. We only join forces with experts who we’ve worked happily with time and time again – from financial advisors, to brokers, architects and currency specialists – and who constantly impress us with their results.

The Luxury Property Finders

Keep calm and exchange on

In the first of this “Meet our Partners” series, we’re introducing you to Foreign Currency Partners, and its founder and co-CEO Adam Bobroff. We started working with Adam almost 20 years ago because his first-rate customer-centric approach aligns with ours, offering: bespoke currency solutions, a one-on-one customer relationship and currency exchanges that are as much as 3-5% better than the banks, so you get the best deals. In short, we believe there’s no one better to work with in foreign exchange.

A good old-fashioned approach to customer care

Foreign Currency Partners - Adam Bobroff

Adam’s success as a foreign exchange specialist is born from his personalised approach to customers. Amidst an automated, consolidated market, where typically a customer is steered through multiple teams (onboarding, the dealer, administrator, aftercare, and so on), he is hellbent on doing it the “old-fashioned way”, where there’s just one point of contact.

“We love the way that Home Hunts operates – and just as a Home Hunts consultant handles everything for a client, we do the same for their currency journey,” explains Adam. “Competing firms have a bank-style approach, but we have one person working with the customer from start to finish.”

As well as being one-on-one, each deal is bespoke. “I believe that each deal is personal to each individual and therefore the deal should suit exactly what they’ve asked for,” adds Adam.

French property market

These values filter down into the way that they work, so that clients can move fast with the most lucrative options.

“Even the way that we offer prices to clients is done in the old-fashioned way,” he says. “If you ask me for a trade, such as $1 million, for example, I will put you on hold, pick up another phone with the banks and brokers on the other end, and negotiate the deal.

“This takes about 30 seconds, then I’ll put them on hold, give the client the price and if they want it, I’ll execute it. This is the way it always used to be done, which has been lost through computer systems.

“Of course, we’ve got all the automation behind the scenes, and we’re cloud based, but we wanted to get back that core value for our customers. Much like the new electric Rolls Royce, we use the most cutting edge technology to enable a seamless customer journey, but ensure that our product retains its ‘hand-made’ feel and personal touch”

French notaire

Keeping control and managing risk

Foreign Currency Partners prides itself on ensuring that clients do not experience any unpleasant surprises and have the best possible outcome. That’s why most of their business is through referrals.

“It’s about keeping control of the situation and managing people’s risks effectively,” says Adam. “It’s the job of Home Hunts to show them the right house, and then it’s our job to make sure that they finance it properly, get the most out of the transaction and that the money is there on time.”

Foreign Currency

“We don’t want people to find themselves in a scenario where it’s all gone horribly wrong as securing your dream home should be an enjoyable process.”

Accurate, timely and agile advice based on market expertise is foundational to Foreign Currency Partners’ consistently excellent results.

Panoramic views – of the currency market

Whether you need a guaranteed fixed rate for delivery in three months’ time, or a trade that allows 10 days to transfer (accommodating bank limits on withdrawals) or you want to squeeze as much out of the market as possible, Foreign Currency Partners will always guide you with a spotlight on pros and cons.

“We never want to say no, 99% of the time, we can do whatever needs to be done,” says Adam. “But my advice to everybody is: don’t take too much risk. Know what it’s going to cost you, don’t overexpose yourself and enjoy the journey – that’s the key the playing a safe game in what is notoriously a volatile market.”

home hunts

Home Hunts are buyer’s agents, we are here to help you to find luxury property in France, Spain, Monaco or Switzerland.

If you would like to speak to one of the team to discuss your needs or just to have a chat about the market, you can call us on +33 970 44 66 43 or send us a mail to If you just want to browse through thousands of beautiful homes, visit our website at  keep up to date with our latest news at or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.