US Buyers Flock to France – and Good News for Brits with Second Homes

US Buyers Flock to France – and Good News for Brits with Second Homes

US Buyers Flock to France and Good News for Brits with Second Homes

Triple the number of Americans moved to France last year than before the pandemic. The latest EU immigration data shows 12,200 “carte de sejours” were allocated to Americans over these 12 months a leap from the 4,160 issued in 2019. This places Americans above Brits, who received 11,074 cards over the same period.

Flock to France

While gaining on Spain to be the most visited country in the world again by 2025, France was the European country of choice for Americans, with Spain in second place and Germany third.

“At Home Hunts we can’t help but notice the increasing number of Americans who fly to France for combined holidays and viewings and who are committing 100% to a new life in France,” said Tim Swannie, Director at Home Hunts.

“It’s always our absolute pleasure to help those living thousands of miles away to find their dream home, and now official data backs up our client experience over the last 18 months.”

Flock to France

Good news for Americans

The US state could soon be making a change that could encourage even more Americans to move abroad. For US residents looking to settle in France, there could be some good news in the pipeline. The fee to renounce citizenship in the US is due to be reduced from $2,350 (€2,242) to $450 (€429). Before 2010 there was no charge to renounce citizenship but since then it has risen gradually – the reversal is hoped to happen in the not-too-distant future.

Red tape cuts to come

Another development benefiting Americans, Brits and anyone considering moving to France is the promise of less red tape. President Macron has pledged to simplify administrative procedures across the business sector.

According to France’s Finance Ministry, consultations will “continue through the end of the year” and with the government deciding how to implement changes in February.

Relaxed rules for home-owning Brits

Scuppered by Brexit and the 90-day visa rule – where Brits can only spend 90 days out of every 180 at their home in France a new ruling may make holiday home visiting easier. While all the details aren’t clear yet, France’s senate voted on a new immigration law that would “ease the conditions of entry into France for British citizens who own second homes in France”.

The bill would need to be approved by the l’Assemblée nationale where debates may begin in December. It’s worth monitoring media such as The Local and The Connexion to keep up with legislative changes, but news will also be published here on this page.

Are you looking to buy a property in France? To discuss your criteria, call a Home Hunts consultant on +33 970 44 66 43. To search for more luxury properties in France, Spain, Monaco or Switzerland, go to

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